So what's up with me lately?
It's 2 am as I am writing this. I just finished my shift. I usually end my shift at 4 am and sleep at around 5. Today is slow at work, while last week was super hectic.
Because I have more time post-shift and it's the weekend (happy dance!), I decided to visit my blog and realized how I have been unfair to my subscribers (char, subscribers) for not posting regularly. So here I am, writing you a sweet entry to give you a glimpse of my life lately.
I am still far from where I want to be, but I am slowly working on it. As they say, "if you start now, you'll begin seeing results one day earlier than if you start tomorrow."
My plans will be mine to keep and accomplish and when I am ready to share them with you here, you'll get notified :)
Thank you for reading this entry until this part. I appreciate your time.